Grace on Top of Grace

One of my favorite songs we sing at church is a song by Fellowship Creative called Grace on Top of Grace! It’s fun and makes me want to get up and boogie, Jesus boogie that is. And when I think of my new lifestyle and new way of eating, I constantly have to remind myself to give grace. Not to someone else, but to me. And I start singing! “Grace on Top of Grace."
When I first started the Trim Healthy Mama plan, I can’t tell you how many times I messed up. How confusing E’s and S’s were! I ate the wrong foods together over and over again. Yes, it can be frustrating. But I determined one thing, “I am not quitting. I’m going to get this." And every time I would make a mistake, I would learn what to do better the next time. And finally, it clicked. And it will click for you too! You just can’t give up. You can’t beat yourself up. You have to give yourself grace.
One of the coolest things you learn with the THM plan is you don’t have to start over tomorrow when you mess up. You can start over in 3 hours. That’s when your body can start using a new fuel. You don’t have to start again tomorrow or that inevitable Monday that never comes. You can start again in 3 hours. Even if you totally blow it and eat that cupcake that’s been screaming at you from the moment you walked into that birthday party. You don’t have to punish yourself with eating nothing for the rest of the day. Just start again. Part of the process is failing. Success happens when you stop allowing your failures to keep you from starting again.
So what, you mixed your fats and carbs and created a Crossover (XO) Meal. It’s way better than eating a snickers bar and a Dr Pepper or all the other bad choices you used to make. Your taking baby steps that will eventually push you to your goal. One mistake at a time you're learning.
And isn’t that how God sees us? Sure, we make mistakes. We mess stuff up. But He loves us despite of all of that. He wants the very best for us and gives us grace on top of grace. And he wants you to give yourself grace too.
So keep going. You’re gonna make mistakes. And when you do, get up, brush yourself off, give yourself grace and keep going. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Don’t give up! I believe in you!
And here’s Grace on Top of Grace! Just in case you wanna listen!