Moonshine?!? I thought you were on a diet?
Yes, I have a problem. I am addicted to moonshine. Good Girl Moonshine or GGMS to be precise! No worries, this is a non alcoholic, totally on plan drink that just happens to be amazing for you!
The secret ingredient is Apple Cider Vinegar the kind with the Mother. I know what you're thinking, "Oh Rah, I can't drink ACV, it's disgusting! I can't even stand the smell!" I was once like you dear friend.
I had read about all the benefits of ACV a few months before I started my THM journey. (It is claimed to have all sorts of benefits, some of which are supported by science. This includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes.) I would almost gag trying to get down 1 TBS with a small glass of water. BLICK!! But I did it because I had read how good for me it was. Did I mention how gross it was?!?
When I started Trim Healthy Mama, (that's the meal plan and new way of living plan I'm on now) I kept seeing GGMS everywhere. And how much people loved it. So I googled it and figured out what it was. And I had the same thoughts running thru my head as you do now. No way can that be good. But it is!!! I have at least one GGMS a day! And the beauty is there are a ton of ways to make it! I'm going to share with you my top 3 favorites!
True Raspberry Lemon GGMS

1 packet True Lime or True Lemon flavor of your choice. My favorite is the True Lemon Raspberry Lemonade. (You can find this at Walmart and Target)
1-2 TBS of ACV with the mother (the kind with the mother is crucial)
24 oz of cold water and ice (the colder the better)
Raspberry Tea GGMS

Brew your favorite fruit tea, my fav is Raspberry.
1-2 TBS of ACV with the mother (the kind with the mother is crucial).
1 tsp of Pyure Organic Stevia
Add enough cold water and ice to fill a 24 oz container.
Bai Pomegranate GGMS

1 bottle of your favorite flavor of Bai (Bai is a stevia sweetened drink totally on plan with THM, you can find it at Target, SAMs Club and Cosco).
1-2 TBS of ACV with the mother (the kind with the mother is crucial).
Add ice!
Essential Oil GGMS
1-2 TBS of ACV with the mother (the kind with the mother is crucial).
1 tsp of Pyure Organic Stevia
2-3 drops of your favorite ingestible essential oil. Young Living's Orange is my favorite!
24 oz of cold water and ice (the colder the better)
I actually do 3-4 TBS of ACV now, but I certainly didn't start with that much!
So if you're wanting to shrink and shine, I would definitely recommend adding this to your daily routine!