What are you doing?!?
I get asked this question a lot. So I thought I’d share the very basics of Trim Healthy Mama.
*As a disclamer, I highly recommend you read the Trim Healthy Mama Plan book. It’s at most libraries and you can buy it online. I downloaded it right to my phone and I reference it all the time.

Here are the stripped down basics. (There is so much more in the book).
- You eat every 3-4 hours.
- You have protein with every meal/snack.
- You pair your protein with either: 1. Fats (an Satisfying or S Meal) 2. Good Carbs (an Energizing or E meal).
- Berries and non-starchy veggies can go with either
- No No List includes: sugar, artificial sweeteners, white potatoes, white rice.
And that’s it! It’s learning how to separate your foods to keep your blood sugar from spiking. Spiking blood sugar is not just something that people who suffer from diabetes need worry about. This is all explained in the book. Have I mentioned you should read it? Not ready for the book just yet? Go ahead and go to their website. http://trimhealthymama.com I also recommend liking their Facebook page. It is full of amazing stories and yummy recipes that help keep me encouraged.
Already on the THM plan? Are you a part of any of the Facebook Groups? They are another great source of encouragement. I have asked so many questions and my THM sisters always answer. It is an amazing community that I’m proud to be a part of.
Trim Healthy Mama gave me the tools I needed to succeed at this journey of weight loss. I finally feel like I can have the body I’ve always wanted. It’s not about being skinny. It’s striving for health and fitness to do all the things that God created me to do. He’s helping me shrink and I’m shining for Him!