What happens when I’m hungry?!?

Sometimes it just happens. You’re hungry all day. You eat a big on plan meal and an hour later it feels like you haven’t eaten for days. On other diets that I tried to follow I was just out of luck at this point. I could either: 1. STARVE (yes, I said it, starve) or 2. Be forced to cheat and feel guilty for the rest of the day.
I’d like to introduce you to THM’s Food Freedom! No starving or cheating and best of all, no guilt! Tonight I had a great S meal (That’s a “Satisfying" full of healthy and delicious fats meal). Rotisserie Chicken with the skin, Broccoli with butter, salt, pepper and nutritional yeast and some yummy strawberries. I felt good for about an hour and my stomach started growling. You know the kind, where you can actually hear your stomach screaming, “GEEZ woman, FEED ME!" Not a problem, I whipped up one of my favorite FP Smoothies. Did I mention it’s a "Cake Batter" Smoothie and it’s delicious, easy and filling! The recipe is on the bottom of this post.
Now I will say, you don’t want to do this between every 3-4 hour meal for weight loss. But when you just need a snack, a FP (Fuel Pull) is a great choice. FP’s are low in carbs and fats and are great source of energy to get you through. Another great choice is choosing something in the same lane as your previous less than 3 hours ago meal. Since I had an S meal an hour earlier, I could have chosen a handful of almonds or some string cheese or another S meal option. You can search Pinterest for a ton of recipes and ideas. Feel free to follow my THM board, https://www.pinterest.com/severitt/thm/ . I’m adding to it all the time!
So to answer the question I posed at the beginning, “What happens when I’m hungry?" My answer is simply, “Eat baby, eat!"
Cake Batter Smoothie - FP
- 1 Cup Almond Milk
- 1/4 Cup 1% Cottage Cheese
- 1 Scoop Pristine Whey Protein
- 1/2 tsp Almond Extract
- 1/2 tsp Butter Extract
- 7 Spinach Leaves (optional, but I’m always trying to sneak veggies in)
- 10-12 Ice Cubes