When in doubt, make an omelette!
Ever looked in the fridge and there's NOTHING to eat? I mean there's food on the shelves, but you're hungry now! This happens to me every Wednesday night.
We all have that day every week where our normal daily schedule goes right out the window. For me it happens on Wednesday! I'm on staff at a church and Wednesday's we have our big mid week services. One of my responsibilities is in the production area. Most of the time it's easier to stay all day than try to go home and come back so by the time I get home it's usually around 9:30p, and I am ready for dinner. I've eaten every 3-4 hours but usually it's just been 2 small snacks after lunch. And I'm typically not wanting to spend much time cooking. I'm ready to eat! And for some reason I'm always out of leftovers. And that's when I reach for my frying pan and carton of eggs and whip up an omelette! It takes just a few minutes and you have a wonderful S meal hot and ready! Throw on some turkey sausage in another pan and you've got a full meal! So here's my recipe:

Rah’s Easy S Omelette
- Coconut Oil Spray
- 2-3 eggs beaten
- 2 Tbs heavy whipping cream
- Mineral salt
- Pepper
- Shredded cheddar cheese
- Fresh spinach
Frying pan on med/low heat. Coat pan with Coconut Oil Spray. Combine beaten eggs and whipping cream. Pour egg mixture in pan. Season with salt & pepper. Let cook for a few minutes until your omelette is almost cooked through. Sprinkle cheese and spinach leaves on one half. Fold the other half on top. Leave on heat until cheese melts and spinach wilts slightly. Be careful not to burn or over cook the egg portion. And your done!
I love to add some turkey sausage and fresh strawberries on the side. And top it off with my favorite mug filled with hot Oolong Tea!
Quick, easy, and satisfying! It's my go-to meal. Good for breakfast, lunch or dinner! And if you have a little more time add some more veggies in there! I have to sneak mine in whenever possible.
I hope this helps you add one more easy recipe to your arsenal. It's always easiest for me to go off plan when I'm tired and hungry. I’d rather pour a bowl of sugary cereal than cook an elaborate meal. Grocery store planning is crucial! That's why I try and be sure I always have the ingredients to this meal! If you notice, 5 of the ingredients in this meal are in my top 15! See my blog http://saraheveritt.postach.io/post/rahs-top-15-pantry-items
The key to staying Shrinking and Shining is to set yourself up for success! You got this!