Have a Plan

Today is day 6 of my 30 day challenge. I can’t tell you how proud I am of everyone who is working their little booty’s off! You are taking big steps to change your life. They may seem small, but believe me they are so much bigger than you can imagine!
This weekend is gonna be a challenge with Mother's Day and the rest of our crazy weekend schedules to stay on our eating plans and keeping up with our 30 Day Challenge exercises. One piece of advice, have a plan. On busy days if I don't have a plan my health gets put at the bottom of the priority list. I’m not really sure why that is. I think my biggest problem is I have a serious case of the FOMO. That’s the “Fear Of Missing Out." If friends or family is doing something, I don’t want to miss it. There could be memories, laughs, adventures and fun! How could I ever say no to that? The problem is if I’m not healthy, I’m not gonna be around long enough to enjoy every memory, laugh, adventure and fun moment to be had. So I have to make a plan. I have to work every day so I can enjoy every minute of the rest of my life. And you do too!
Now this doesn’t mean that I’m perfect. I have off plan meals. But they are NOT very often and for the most part I have a plan to go "off plan" and I have a plan to start back in 3 hours. That is the beauty of the Trim Healthy Mama plan. You get to start fresh every 3 hours.
If you know you're gonna be tempted to go off plan for Mother’s Day lunch or another holiday, give yourself a little grace. Plan for that off plan meal or that Crossover Meal. It’s okay. Just don’t live there. Get back on plan.
Have a plan for your exercising too. For me, I have to do my 30 Day Challenge exercises in the morning, because I know that when I get home from work I am not going to want to do them. So I have a plan. I turn the coffee pot on and while it’s brewing I do my challenge exercises. And when I’m done then I get to have a delicious coffee filled Trimmachino. *You can find this recipe on page 421 of the Trim Healthy Mama cookbook. It’s so good!
What is your plan? If you don’t have one, take time today to make one. And be ready to be flexible. Life happens and we have to be ready to adjust. But please don’t throw your health and fitness out the window. You are important. We all need you to take care of yourself so we can have more memories, more laughs, more adventures and more fun with you!
Keep Shining!